Posted 2021-11-09

ASDE and Community Happenings, Support & News

Greetings Everyone.

We want to share a bit about where we are at and what we are up to, as well as events and goings-on within the Self-Directed Education (SDE) community.

Local SDE Group organizers are still meeting every month, supporting one another in their differing group endeavors, including: connecting with the community, organizing and sustaining free play groups, sharing SDE info events, and more. Read more about local groups here, or see if there is one in your area to join if interested.

The SDE Weekend gathering is coming up again this January 7th-9th and we can’t wait! We had such a great time with you all at the last event, and got plenty of feedback that people wanted another event sooner than later. Here we go! Follow our Instagram or Facebook pages for the latest info on speakers, panels, and more.

Don’t forget our Resource Directory has a full list of local centers, communities, and groups, as well as tons of other resources to support you on your SDE journey. If you have resources to add that aren’t on there yet please do, or send us an email letting us know.

Check out our most recent Tipping Points articles and media, Seeding Liberated Futures, and Unschooling As An Act of Resistance . If you aren’t already subscribed to the Tipping Points newsletter, and you want to know when new content comes out, add that list to your subscription here.

Around the Community

Black Worldschoolers Bookstore is raising funds to launch their mobile bookstore: “Black Worldschoolers will be a bookstore on wheels sharing stories that uplift Black life, Black heritage and Black joy.” Learn more about their plans and contribute to their fundraiser here.

If you haven’t checked out My Reflection Matters Village yet we highly recommend doing so. It is “A Virtual community where parenting, education, & liberation intersect” and a constant source of support, connection, knowledge, and growth for so many unschoolers, educators, and more in the movement.

Liberated Learners still has monthly intro events where you can learn more about their model and their philosophy.

The ALC Network shares a bunch of offerings through their Patreon page, including one-on-one support calls, webinar recordings on SDE topics, and more. So if you’re looking into starting a center (which I know many of you are) and need support, we highly recommend their resources.

Things seem a little quieter right now (maybe it’s that settling into the year for many communities?) but I’m sure there’s lots of things going on that we don’t know about. Send us your events, announcements, sharings, and stories.

Bria Bloom (ASDE Executive Director)

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Tipping Points Magazine amplifies the diverse voices within the Self-Directed Education movement. The views expressed in our content belong solely to the author(s). The Alliance for Self-Directed Education disclaims responsibility for any interpretation or application of the information provided. Engage in dialogue by reaching out to the author(s) directly.

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