Tipping Points
Previous Stories (page 3)

But What is Unschooling? A Question from My Mother.

After years of having conversation with my mom about unschooling she still doesn’t seem to get it. This article is an attempt to explain it to her and anyone else struggling with the concept of unschooling.

The School System is Suffering, Let it Die!

An excerpt from the latest Youth Liberation Now zine by Filler Distro.

Yes, It’s Lord of the Flies Around Here

Talking to others about SDE is frequently frustrating, due to their misconceptions which they often do not wish to challenge.

Consent-based v Self-directed: what’s the difference?

Four main points and some reflection on the pros and cons of consent-based education compared to Self-Directed Education.

From Farm to Unschooling the Parent

Through regular visits to a friend’s farm with my pre-school age kids, I learn how self-directed learning about parenting profoundly shapes their learning.

Peter Gray Book Launch

Q&As with Peter Gray on his books published by Tipping Points Press.

“Hurry Up” and the Rush Through Childhood

When we hurry our children through their days, are we inadvertently asking them to rush through their childhoods?


A poem about being uprooted.

The First Prison

Every hierarchy, every abuse, every act of domination that seeks to justify or excuse itself appeals through analogy to the rule of adults over children. We are all indoctrinated from birth in ways of “because I said so.”
Voice of the Children

The Great Surfer

A tribute to childhood.

They Played Their Hand, and We Have to Say, “We’re Not Going Back”

What did the coronavirus crisis teach us about education in the US? That we have all the resources we need when we want them.

Becoming Yourself: Neurodiversity and Self-Directed Education

Self-Directed Education enables us to take very different educational pathways with our children which particularly suits those who do not fit the mainstream mould.


Deschooling is so much more than moving into unschooling: it is our opportunity to give each other time and space to take back our freedom, to foster lost relationships, values and connections, and to reimagine what our own life, our community and society at large could look like.

Eilish Grammys Make Greenberg Reconsider Unschooling

Sudbury Valley School co-founder apologizes to unschoolers, admits to being Billie Eilish groupie.

Everyday Conversations

We do not schedule conversations into neat little blocks of subjects and time. We let curiosity lead us into debates, discussions, and verbal exchange.

Adventures in Trust: Fear vs. Reality

Comparing some of adults’ biggest fears about Self-Directed Education with what it looks like in reality, based on 10 years of working in an SDE school.

Changing Our Minds

How children can take control of their own learning
Voice of the Children

The Day Tàpies Went Fishing

You can lead a horse to water, but can you make her fish?

Change Your Mindset Toward Learning, Change Your Child’s Future

Understand how language and metaphors structures one’s mindset toward learning and discover some SDE alternatives.

How SDE Intersects with Parenting & Ethnicity

A chat about the difficulties of various ethnic and cultural experiences existing in SDE and unschooling spaces.

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Books for Sale

Profit from these books goes to support ASDE and Tipping Points Press.

book cover Rigged
by Hazel Smack


The first $8,000 of profits from these books by Peter Gray will be used as advances to publish the writing of Women of Color. Half of all proceeds there after will also be used as advances for Women of Color authors.