Tipping Points
Previous Stories (page 10)

The American School System Is Destroying The Voice Of Young Writers

The strict guidelines of a graded writing system destroys passionate writing in schools.

Update Available: Why Big Tech is in the Business of Education Reform

Contrasting the philosophy and practices of the Agile Learning Center with the motives behind the collaboration of compulsory school systems and the tech industry.
Voice of the Children

An Intersection

Musings on the best possible way to be with one another

Organized Sports Are Not Play

How organized sports have co-opted play and why early organized sports aren’t a great option for kids.

Now I Need Two Theories

How I learned that my kids are different

I Live in a Research Lab

Self-directed learners are natural scientists and the exploration that they carry out is genuine research in a way that school science mostly is not.
El Mundo Donde los Niños Son Personas

Cuando valores obsoletos dirigen el aprendizaje

Hay muchas razones por qué la escuela convencional falla. La más grande es porque dejamos que valores obsoletos dirijan el aprendizaje.
Voice of the Children

Friends of the Modern School Interview

An interview with Leo Goldman and Jon Thoreau Scott, former students of the anarchistic Stelton Modern School.

Defending the Obvious

In the land of Socrates and the founding fathers of the Athenian Academy you would expect ample interest in free-thinking, democratic education. And yet, an astonishing fact emerges...

Stop Putting Subjects into Hierarchies

As SDE parents, it is often one of the last habits we have to break.
The Self-Directed Bookworm

How to Quit Parenting

Parenting has become a job. What if you quit that job?

Deschooling in School

Part 4: Conclusions.
El Mundo Donde los Niños Son Personas

¿Cómo se defenderán mis hijos desescolarizados en el futuro?

Muchos papás le temen a la desescolarización y sus posibles consecuencias negativas. En este artículo Rebecka Koritz nos ofrece un panorama realista y optimista que contrasta con estas preconcepciones.


Students view school as a prison that is deteriorating their mental health and passion for learning– but also as a necessity.

My Faith Led Me to Unschooling

By digging deeper into my faith, I learned what it means to be a family that learns together
Voice of the Children

Across the Lines: Abolishing Racism with Education

Cultivating liberated and unbiased spaces for youth to grow through Self-Directed Education
The Self-Directed Bookworm

Teens and Screens

An adolescent mental health crisis is brewing. Are smartphones and social media to blame?

The Power of Curiosity

Self-Directed Education gives curiosity space to do its magic
El Mundo Donde los Niños Son Personas

Los accidentes y el desarrollo de los niños

Por qué los accidentes son importantes para el desarrollo de los niños

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Books for Sale

Profit from these books goes to support ASDE and Tipping Points Press.

book cover Rigged
by Hazel Smack


The first $8,000 of profits from these books by Peter Gray will be used as advances to publish the writing of Women of Color. Half of all proceeds there after will also be used as advances for Women of Color authors.