Updated 2020-10-19

The Hub

The Hub brings together customized learning and community. It currently provides online programming and support for children ages 9 to 12 and their parents. The plan is to grow into an all-ages co-learning/co-working space (online and in person).
Luba Vangelova founder
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The Hub’s program consists of a twice-a-week, interdisciplinary and interest-led micro-academy for ages 9 to 12 (with a social network that can be accessed outside session times). There will also be à-la-carte classes and workshops and other activities starting in the spring, which will allow more casual commitments. And there are “wraparound services,” to help parents with interest-led homeschooling.

Culture creation is of paramount importance at The Hub, and is driven by these values and principles:
— There are many ways to define personal “success,” and many paths to achieving it.
— People of all ages are naturally motivated to learn things that allow for mastery, autonomy, and a larger purpose.
— Personal authenticity, and being able to express our authentic self to others, makes us feel whole and at ease, which primes us for more effective learning (and living).
— Following our curiosity, working on interesting challenges, and identifying and leveraging strengths in ways that create value for ourselves and others—while also managing weaknesses that get in our way—helps us find our purpose.
— We increase our odds of thriving in uncertain times by being adaptable, creative, and resilient, and belonging to a well-functioning community of interdependent individuals.
— Connection and collaboration take precedence over competition.
— It’s always about the journey, not the destination.

SDE Optimizing Conditions

ASDE surveys all SDE communities/programs about how they provide, enhance, or align with each of the Six Optimizing Conditions for young people to succeed in SDE.  Survey answers:
  1. Responsibility – The micro-academy facilitators don't force the children to do anything in particular (that said, if someone has chosen to enroll, it's expected that they will be present and engage in the program).
  2. Youth Autonomy – The facilitators and children co-create the micro-academy experience by consensus, based on children's interests (for individual and group work). There is a flexible structure in place for starters (which is modifiable), but no curriculum.
  3. Access to Tools and Technology – Numerous online platforms (Basecamp, Milanote, Kahoot, etc.) are used; some are introduced by the children, some by the facilitators. Children can take things in many directions with them.
  4. Adult Allies – There is no grading or testing. The facilitators are partners, guides and supporters of the children's learning (while also making it clear that they're learning themselves).
  5. Free Age Mixing – The micro-academy is for ages 9 to 12. The Hub also has a communications hub on Basecamp that is for all members (adults and children) and facilitators.
  6. Community – Decision making in the micro-academy is by consensus. The facilitators also practice non-violent communications. They also model how to balance the "me" and the "we."

If any information about this resource is out of date, please let us know.