Updated 2018-10-11

Team of Thirty Unschoolers Survey

This survey details thirty children who unschooled from 3 to 12 years and were all accepted to colleges, universities and tech schools. 12 of the 30 went into STEM careers (4 in Engineering).
Judy L Arnall publisher
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Arnall, J. L. (2018). Team of Thirty Unschoolers Survey. Unschooling To University: Relationships matter most in a world crammed with content, p. 16-18. Retrieved October 1, 2018, from http://professionalparenting.ca/unschoolingtouniversity.html


Team of Thirty Unschoolers Survey, by Judy Arnall, 2018
The 30 children surveyed practiced self-directed, free-learning unschooling for a minimum of three and a maximum of 12 school years. All 30 children were accepted to postsecondary schools and twenty have already graduated. Twenty went to university, seven to college, two to technical schools, and one is undecided. Of the 30 kids, 12 went into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) fields, four of whom were accepted into Engineering and the rest in Bio-Science, Business and Earth Science programs. Nine unschoolers chose the Humanities in various disciplines, such as Psychology, Asian Studies, and Anthropology. Nine unschoolers went into the various Arts fields of music, the culinary arts, fashion design, photography, and visual arts. Only 11 of the 30 children had attended preschool. Nine graduated with a self-designed high school diploma and 20 used a diploma to get into postsecondary schools.

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