Updated 2022-08-10

Sligo Sudbury School

A place where young people aged 5-18 can learn through play and experience at their own pace, in their own time and in their own way.
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(+353) 719138810
Address: Faughts
City: Doonally
County: Sligo
Postal Code: F91 DR13
Country: Ireland
Sligo Sudbury School is located just outside Sligo town in the Faughts townland, Dunally, Calry, Co. Sligo.


Our school is founded on freedom, trust, respect and responsibility. We trust in children’s innate capacity to learn through their very own voyage of discovery and we respect their choices and rights as whole individuals. Through exercising their rights to choose and to go about their day in a peaceful way, children have an opportunity to learn how to afford others the same rights and how to negotiate the delicate interplay between individual’s freedoms and their responsibilities to the community.

If we wish to see our young people grow into respectful, resourceful, resilient, healthy, compassionate, responsible and passionate adults we must create a rich environment that is imbued with these values and gives ample opportunity to practice these life skills.

We are influenced by many other democratic schools worldwide, and the research and writings of many philosophers, academics and practitioners. We are particularly inspired by, and grateful for the support of the founder members of Wicklow Sudbury School, Ireland’s first democratic school.

SDE Optimizing Conditions

ASDE surveys all SDE communities/programs about how they provide, enhance, or align with each of the Six Optimizing Conditions for young people to succeed in SDE.  Survey answers:
  1. Responsibility – We TRUST that children’s innate curiosity leads them to learn what they need to know.
  2. Youth Autonomy – At Sligo Sudbury children are free from curricula and timetabled lessons and they have the freedom to explore self-chosen pursuits.
  3. Access to Tools and Technology – We have dedicated spaces for Art, Cooking, Science, Gaming/ Technology, Music & Music Production, Carpentry, Libraries, Gardening, Food production etc.
  4. Adult Allies – Adult staff members are available to facilitate learning or discussion, or to support students with accessing the resources they need.
  5. Free Age Mixing – Students are not separated by age range or developmental level. They are allowed to mix freely with all age groups, and to learn from each other through work, play and conversation.
  6. Community – Through the School Meeting, collective decisions are made & each individual can participate in & take ownership of the school community & works toward attending to the needs of the self whilst conscientiously taking care of the needs of the whole.

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