Updated 2018-09-28

Peer Unschooling Network (PUN)

A digital community for teen unschoolers to make friends, discuss projects, question the meaning of life, and support those interested in self-directed learning to take the leap.
Jim Flannery facilitator
click to see email


PUN really serves two dual purposes:
1) it creates a space for existing self-directed learners to connect with one another and make friends
2) it provides a venue for young people who are curious about self-directed learning to reach out to youth currently practicing it to find out exactly what their experiences are like

SDE Optimizing Conditions

ASDE surveys all SDE communities/programs about how they provide, enhance, or align with each of the Six Optimizing Conditions for young people to succeed in SDE.  Survey answers:
  1. Responsibility – Nothing is forced on youth on PUN - they must take responsibility for their own involvement.
  2. Youth Autonomy – Nothing is mandatory or required - they can't come and go as they please.
  3. Access to Tools and Technology – We have digital tools for sharing content as well as a chat/messaging platform.
  4. Adult Allies – This is mostly a peer organization of youth, though I do offer support and mentorship to those who seek it out.
  5. Free Age Mixing – The site is mainly focused on youth, somewhat like a Sudbury model, though we're open to expanding this definition as we grow. Right now we're focused on having the youth setup the culture of the community before opening the floodgates.
  6. Community – We have a group of moderators and a set of community guidelines to support respectful interactions.

If any information about this resource is out of date, please let us know.