Posted 2018-10-22

Teen Self-Directed Learners Podcast and AMA Today!

For the next nine hours (noon-9pm/ET), ASDE members can log into the Member Forums, here, and post a question for one or all of our teen panelists:

Dylan Marcus
I'm 16 years old and I went to public school up until April 13th, 2014 (I don't think I will ever forget that). For the past three years, I have been attending the South Jersey Sudbury School. My biggest passion is a trading card game called Magic The Gathering. I'm also a recurring part of a podcast called Youth on Subjects of the World, where we interview interesting people and have great conversations. Ask Me Anything!
Martin Harvey-Olson
I am an unschooled young person, and am all about creative expression through music. I have been following my passions for years -- cosplay, art, martial arts, gymnastics, but most of all music. I have taught myself to play multiple instruments and am part of the band Hangman's Job. I am working on mastering multiple musical styles and genres, and my favorite is rock/alternative. Ask Me Anything!
Neil Karkhanis
I am 15 years old. I attend South Jersey Sudbury School, a free and democratic school. I enjoy discussing politics, participating in community theater and Model United Nations, studying nutritional science, and engaging in debates. I have appeared on Youth on Subjects of the World since its first show in January 2017. Ask Me Anything!

LIVE Podcast!

Our panelists will also be answering questions live. Ask your question in the forums, anytime between noon and 9pm/ET, and tune in to the livestream from 4pm–6pm/ET to hear them answer your questions on the podcast. (In case you miss the livestream, they will also be typing their answers in the AMA forum.)

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Podcast Livestream, 4pm–6pm/ET:

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