Posted 2018-09-28

LIVE Ask Me Anything With a Panel of Young People

On Monday, October 22nd, ASDE will be hosting its first live AMA in partnership with the podcast Youth on Subjects of the World.

From 12 (noon) to 9pm eastern time, join the forums to ask our panel of young people questions about their experiences with Self-Directed Education. From 4-6pm EST, Martin, Dylan, and Neil will answer your questions live on their podcast, as well as type their answers into the forum thread. Join us for this exciting experience, and to learn from three young people who are experiencing the world of Self-Directed Education. You can access the livestream, distributed by the Conscious Consumer Network, here.

Martin Harvey-Olson is an unschooled young person who is all about creative expression through music. He has been following his passions for years – cosplay, art, martial arts, gymnastics, but most of all music. He has taught himself to play multiple instruments and is part of the band Hangman’s Job. He is working on mastering multiple musical styles and genres, his favorite being rock/alternative.

Neil Karkhanis is 15 years old. He attends South Jersey Sudbury School, a free and democratic school. He enjoys discussing politics, participating in community theater and Model United Nations, studying nutritional science, and engaging in debates. He has appeared on Youth on Subjects of the World since its first show in January 2017.

Dylan Marcus is 16 years old and went to public school up until April 13th, 2014 (he doesn’t think he will ever forget that). For three years he has been attending the South Jersey Sudbury School. His biggest passion is a trading card game called Magic The Gathering. He’s a recurring part of a podcast called Youth On Subjects Of The World, where they interview interesting people and have great conversations.

Tipping Points

The online magazine from the Alliance for Self-Directed Education, designed to amplify and celebrate the voices of our movement.

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