Posted 2020-01-27

Join Us for ASDE’s First In-Person Gathering this October

ASDE’s first in-person gathering!
Oct 9-12, 2020, Rowe Center, 22 Kings Highway Rowe, MA
70-person max. Child-friendly
Register here

Great News, Allies,

We will be gathering for a retreat at the Rowe Center in Massachusetts, during Indigenous Peoples’ Day Weekend, and we’ve got space for 60-70 people, please join us by signing up today.

Together, we will explore the global issue of children’s rights and freedom in education, in communities, in play, and essentially, in our lives. We — Peter Gray, Akilah S. Richards, Alexander Khost, and Bria Bloom — will co-host, and we’re all so excited to share, learn, and discuss as we co-create this experience with everyone (adults and children welcome!) in the room. Has your family been to a children’s pop-up junk playground? We’ll have one at the retreat!

This gathering is for anyone looking to deepen their practice and knowledge in Self-Directed Education, children’s rights, and raising free people; co-create an experience that reflects your questions and interests; learn more about what Self-Directed Education looks like and how so many different types of people are living and doing this work; and connect with folks who are sharing in this movement to raise free people together.

You can get more details and register on the Rowe website. Please email us with any additional questions that are not answered there.

We can’t wait to connect and go deeply into this work with you!

Akilah S. Richards, Alexander Khost, Bria Bloom, and Peter Gray

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Tipping Points Magazine amplifies the diverse voices within the Self-Directed Education movement. The views expressed in our content belong solely to the author(s). The Alliance for Self-Directed Education disclaims responsibility for any interpretation or application of the information provided. Engage in dialogue by reaching out to the author(s) directly.

Asking the right questions...
What is Self-Directed Education?
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