Posted 2019-12-03

Giving Tuesday – Support Tipping Points Magazine

Time is ticking down until the end of our Giving Tuesday Match! We need your donations to help us continue ASDE’s initiatives that provide support and resources to the SDE community.

One of these initiatives is Tipping Points Magazine, a remarkable and valuable collection of experiences, research, and reporting from the lives of people involved in Self-Directed Education.

Tipping Points Magazine publishes articles (at least) weekly that highlight experiences, stories, and research from people involved in Self-Directed Education in a variety of ways.

Tipping Points has begun to expand into other forms of media, including audio, podcasts, illustrations, photography, and more.

In the past year, Tipping Points has published over 50 articles in two different languages with over 30 different authors.

Tipping Points editors work with authors to support them with their articles.

In order to keep our Tipping Points content robust and supported, we need your financial support. We are also striving to increase the forms of media represented in Tipping Points Magazine, to continue to make sure that diverse voices are being amplified and represented, and to increase the amount of articles available in different languages.

Please support this important resource in the SDE movement by donating today.

If you enjoyed this article and feel called to give back to ASDE, here are ways you can support our work:

  • Donate money
  • Share our content with others! Click one of the buttons above to easily share on Twitter, Facebook, or email.
  • Consider becoming a Contributor for Tipping Points

Tipping Points Magazine amplifies the diverse voices within the Self-Directed Education movement. The views expressed in our content belong solely to the author(s). The Alliance for Self-Directed Education disclaims responsibility for any interpretation or application of the information provided. Engage in dialogue by reaching out to the author(s) directly.

Asking the right questions...
What is Self-Directed Education?
Building a movement...
About the Alliance for Self-Directed Education
Sharing our stories...
Tipping Points Press