Posted 2019-12-02

Giving Tuesday MATCH – Support ASDE’s Local SDE Groups Initiative!

Happy Giving Tuesday!

Yesterday we announced our Giving Tuesday Match. Every donation you make between now and the end of tomorrow will be matched dollar for dollar, including one-time donations, sustainer (monthly) donations, and monthly donation increases.

ASDE has a range of initiatives that requires time and energy to create and sustain. Your donations directly contribute to these initiatives. One of these initiatives is the catalyzation and support of local SDE groups.

Local SDE groups are groups that leaders start in their communities. The groups appear in a variety of formats, then evolve based on need. A group may support new SDE families, provide a place for families and children to meet, work through deschooling or learning more about SDE together, or advocate for SDE in their local community, among other possibilities.

ASDE supports over 50 local SDE groups in more than 10 different countries.

ASDE hosts monthly support calls for local SDE group organizers throughout the world.

ASDE connects people with others in their community to find group members or co-organizers.

ASDE offers one-on-one support for local SDE groups: we answer questions, such as how to promote awareness and how to facilitate group discussions, and share ideas for what to do at group meetings.

ASDE created a handbook for those who need additional guidance.

ASDE also creates support materials, such as flyers, book lists, and pamphlets.

This is a high level of support: we need your contributions to sustain it. Our goal is to increase the reach of the local SDE groups initiative and to continue to assist in the formation of additional SDE communities, so that people can find that connection, community, and collaboration on their SDE journey.

The gratitude we hear from people who have been involved in these groups shows us that these groups have made an impact on people’s lives...

Donate now, and help support this important initiative to increase access to SDE support and community connection around the world.

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