Posted 2018-10-04

Contribute to the Resource Directory

Dear Allies,

One of the main features of our website that we set out to build from the beginning — that we knew was missing from the Self-Directed Education landscape — was a resource directory that would crowdsource and house all kinds of SDE-related resources in one place. Sure, there have been plenty of websites that list a lot of these resources, but there are always new ones coming into being and older ones needing updates. Plus, centralized static lists don’t draw from the collective intelligence of our movement. We needed a resource hub that anyone can easily contribute to.

We are excited to share that the main infrastructure for our Resource Directory is finished and there’s a basic interface for navigating and viewing its listings. We’ll continue to update the user experience over the coming months. Now we need your help adding resources! For some of you this is free advertising. For all of us, this can be a huge asset for the Self-Directed Education movement.

Do you help organize and maintain a Self-Directed Education community (school, co-op resource center, or other social program that brings people together in support of SDE)? Do you support SDE through special programs, conferences, gatherings, coaching, and other creative projects?

Are there specific books, articles, videos and other media that you have authored or benefited from that are making an impact in the SDE space? Help make sure other people can find all of these critical resources!

Self-Directed Education is a growing movement. Let’s ease the path for all those who are ready to start trusting children!

Add resources to!

Step-by-step instructions for creating a resource:

1) Go to the Resource Directory:

2) Click on Add a Resource:

3) Search for existing resources:

4) Follow the guidelines for entering resources:


Engagement Opportunity for Young People.
Join a dialogue call with other young people who are interested in advocating for Self-Directed Education.

If you’re a young person age 17 or younger, and would like to be more involved in advocating for Self-Directed Education, please join in this collaborative discussion. Calls are scheduled for Sunday, October 7 at 3:30pm (EST) and Monday, October 8 at 6:30pm (EST).

What will the call be about?

Please contact if you can be present on one of the calls, and she’ll send you the details.

Tipping Points

The online magazine from the Alliance for Self-Directed Education, designed to amplify and celebrate the voices of our movement.

[photo] Cuando valores obsoletos dirigen el aprendizaje
Hay muchas razones por qué la escuela convencional falla. La más grande es porque dejamos que valores obsoletos dirijan el aprendizaje.
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Tipping Points Podcast: Episode 1
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[photo] I Live in a Research Lab
Self-directed learners are natural scientists and the exploration that they carry out is genuine research in a way that school science mostly is not.
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From the Member Forums

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    Tipping Points Magazine amplifies the diverse voices within the Self-Directed Education movement. The views expressed in our content belong solely to the author(s). The Alliance for Self-Directed Education disclaims responsibility for any interpretation or application of the information provided. Engage in dialogue by reaching out to the author(s) directly.

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