Posted 2017-06-21

Today’s “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) with Pat Farenga is about to begin!

photo of Pat

“Hi! I’m Pat Farenga, and I’m an author, publisher, and unschooling father who got started in the homeschooling movement in 1981 when I joined John Holt at Growing Without Schooling (GWS) magazine. I took over as publisher of GWS when John died in 1985, and I published it until 2001. I have been involved in the alternative education movement for three decades, including speaking about unschooling at Carnegie Hall as part of John Gatto’s The Exhausted School and in interviews on The Today Show and Good Morning America. I continue to work in the field of homeschooling and Self-Directed Education as a publisher, writer, and advocate at

I have long-standing passions for music (I play piano and tenor saxophone) and magic that I continue to share with friends and family. My wife and I unschooled our three daughters, who are now 31, 28, and 24.

Today from 12pm noon to 9pm/ET, you can Ask Me Anything!

Pat will be answering questions from Alliance members in the AMA Forum at

Our AMA events give Alliance members exclusive access to various authors, speakers, and Self-Directed Education trailblazers.

Not yet a member? . . .


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