Posted 2018-03-08

Today’s AMA with Tomis Parker starts at noon/ET (9am/PT)

Log into the ASDE Member Forums and post your questions for Tomis:

[photo] Hi, I'm Tomis Parker. I have been facilitating in Self-Directed Education environments since 2009. Most of the SDE communities I've worked with have been "startups" to one degree or another. I worked with Manhattan Free School and I helped birth the first Agile Learning Center in NYC. I served as the Director there for a few years while working to develop the larger ALC Network. I now live in Charlotte, NC, where I work and play (it's all the same) with ALC Mosaic.

I am really passionate about being authentic with children and giving them the space to experience the world on their own terms. I also focus on building intentional culture and community with people of all ages, as I see this as the access point for personal growth and social change.

Since 2014, I've been organizing and facilitating ALF Summers (Agile Learning Facilitator trainings), which have been a catalyst for the ALC Network and have supported the formation of dozens of ALC communities around the world. I am learning so much in what, for me, feels like uncharted territory.

Last year, I was fortunate enough to get to facilitate the launch of the Alliance for Self-Directed Education. I make things happen by assuming they can, and by connecting people in ways that activate the action potential.

Note that the AMA ends tonight at 9pm/ET (6pm/PT), but ASDE members will still be able to view all the questions and answers posted during the event, here.

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Tipping Points

The online magazine from the Alliance for Self-Directed Education, designed to amplify and celebrate the voices of our movement.

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