Posted 2018-02-08

Today’s AMA with Chris Mercogliano starts at noon/ET (9am/PT)

As promised, here’s your reminder to log into the ASDE Member Forums and post your questions for Chris:

Here’s the intro Chris wrote in the AMA forum:

Hi, I’m Chris Mercogliano. For 35 years I worked with kids age 2-14 at the Albany Free School, a freedom-based, democratic school that was somewhat unique when I was there in that we tended to have an even mix of inner-city, uptown, suburban, and rural kids. I can tell you there was never a dull moment! The diversity was possible because we never turned kids away for financial reasons and our approach to teaching and learning was extremely flexible.

I have also worked with self-directing high schoolers, as well as adults well into their seventies. For that matter, I’ve been busy inventing my own education since I left college after a year. So if anyone wants to ask if I believe Self-Directed Education is for everyone, I think you already know my answer.

Note that the AMA ends tonight at 9pm/ET (6pm/PT), but ASDE members will still be able to view all the questions and answers posted during the event, here.

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Tipping Points

The online magazine from the Alliance for Self-Directed Education, designed to amplify and celebrate the voices of our movement.

[photo] How SDE Supports Children's Mental Health
The mother of a Sudbury Valley School graduate recounts her son's dramatic shift from troubled teen to successful adult.
Claire Russell
[photo] Cómo Se Ve Realmente Cuando un Niño Aprende
English: What Children's Learning Really Looks Like

En este artículo, Rebecka Koritz explica cómo se ve la educación autodirigida en la realidad, y por qué la programación con la que cargamos como adultos nos impide reconocer los momentos de verdadero aprendizaje.
Rebecka Koritz
From the Member Forums

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Tipping Points Magazine amplifies the diverse voices within the Self-Directed Education movement. The views expressed in our content belong solely to the author(s). The Alliance for Self-Directed Education disclaims responsibility for any interpretation or application of the information provided. Engage in dialogue by reaching out to the author(s) directly.

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