Posted 2017-06-29

Join us at this year’s AERO Conference: August 2-6 in Long Island, NY

Our friend Jerry Mintz, the organizer of the Alternative Education Resource Organization (AERO), has invited the Alliance to present several keynotes and workshops at the annual AERO Conference!

Better yet, Alliance members can receive a $100 discount on registration for the full event, which includes more than 4 days of sessions and opportunities to network with leading-edge visionaries and advocates of alternative education.

This year, the AERO Conference will take place August 2–6, 2017, at the Post campus of Long Island University, about 25 miles east of New York City.

ASDE members who are presenting will include...

  • Peter Gray — Author of Free to Learn, ASDE Board President
  • Akilah S. RichardsFare of the Free Child podcast, ASDE Board member
  • Danielle Levine — Dida Academy, ASDE Board member
  • Gina Riley — SDE researcher, psychology professor at Hunter College
  • Rebekah Canu — Wildwood ALC
  • Peter Bergson and Chris Steinmeier — Natural Creativity Center
  • Joel Hammon — The Learning Cooperatives, Liberated Learners
  • Ben Draper — Macomber Center

We will also have scheduled times for ASDE members to gather and focus on our mission, including a workshop on the art of helping newcomers and skeptics understand Self-Directed Education and accept it as a valid educational path.

To get the registration discount, see the full announcement in our Member Forums.

To support our mission, consider donating a portion of your $100 savings to the Alliance.

Not yet a member? . . .

From the Member Forums

We just wrapped up our first AMA (Ask Me Anything) series and couldn’t be more excited about the incredible resource these special forum conversations have generated!

Here’s a question that Diane, an Alliance member from New York, asked AMA guest host Akilah S. Richards:

Photo of Diane ...My son is currently in ALC-NYC and is thriving. He came from the public school system where I watched as they tried to destroy his creativity and passion for learning.

My conflict is while I love the philosophy of the Self-Directed Education, will my son be able to compete in a mainstream educational environment ... after he graduates? I was supplementing at home with writing, math, reading but I felt it was becoming too much on both of us. Should I continue the supplementing, should I have him tested to see if he’s on grade level or should I just let go too?*

See Akilah’s powerful response here.

Check out the entire Ask Me Anything Forum, now with nearly 100 in-depth answers from our expert hosts, here.

* Diane’s photo and question reprinted with her permission.

Tipping Points


Tipping Points is the online magazine from the Alliance for Self-Directed Education, designed to amplify and celebrate the voices of our movement.


By Blake Boles
Emma Forde reviews the book by Harriet Patterson
Tipping Points interviews three SDE-friendly summer camps



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Tipping Points Magazine amplifies the diverse voices within the Self-Directed Education movement. The views expressed in our content belong solely to the author(s). The Alliance for Self-Directed Education disclaims responsibility for any interpretation or application of the information provided. Engage in dialogue by reaching out to the author(s) directly.

Asking the right questions...
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Tipping Points Press