9 results
Tipping Points

Yes, It’s Lord of the Flies Around Here

Talking to others about SDE is frequently frustrating, due to their misconceptions which they often do not wish to challenge.
Tipping Points

Becoming Yourself: Neurodiversity and Self-Directed Education

Self-Directed Education enables us to take very different educational pathways with our children which particularly suits those who do not fit the mainstream mould.
Tipping Points

Changing Our Minds

...Naomi Fisher. The excerpt is from her new book, Changing Our Minds: How Children Can Take Control of Their Own Learning. The book came out February 4, 2021 and is published by Little Brown. It is...
Tipping Points

School Culture is Really Strange

Reading Ramona the Pest as a self directed learner highlights how arbitrary school conventions really are.
Tipping Points

Unschooling and Democratic Education: A dysfunctional marriage?

One parent's experience of having moved from unschooling to democratic education, the differences and similarities.
Tipping Points

Back Home: self-directed learning in fiction

Most children's books reinforce the hidden curriculum of compulsory schooling. Back Home by Michelle Magorian is an exception, with the heroine Rusty ending up at an early democratic school which is...
Tipping Points

Not So Clever?

One of the hidden lessons of school is that we can be categorised by our ability, which then affects how we see ourselves and other people. This makes no sense within self-directed education,...
Tipping Points

I Live in a Research Lab

Self-directed learners are natural scientists and the exploration that they carry out is genuine research in a way that school science mostly is not.
Tipping Points

Consent-based v Self-directed: what’s the difference?

...my past and direct my future. SDE, for us, was coming home. [1] Mason, Charlotte. A Philosophy of Education. Living Press Books, 2017 [2] Fisher, Naomi. Changing our Minds. Robinson, 2021
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  • You can search for partial words: educat will match education, educator, and self-educated.
  • Searches are not case-sensitive.
  • Multiple words will narrow the search results to pages containing all the words.
  • Phrases enclosed in quotation marks ("like this") are treated like a single word.